The benefits of promoting flexible working arrangements in the workplace

The benefits of promoting flexible working arrangements in the workplace


Why promote FWA in the workplace

Flexible working arrangements are becoming increasingly popular in the workplace as companies recognize the benefits they can bring to their employees. By allowing employees to work from home or have a flexible schedule, employers can boost employee wellbeing, increase productivity, and reduce stress levels.

Flexible working arrangements have been proven to improve employee morale and engagement. Employees feel more empowered when they have control over their own working hours and environment, which leads to increased job satisfaction and productivity. Additionally, having a flexible schedule can help employees manage their work-life balance and reduce stress levels.

Overall, promoting flexible working arrangements is beneficial for both employers and employees alike. Not only does it provide employers with a competitive advantage in hiring the best talent but it also helps them retain existing staff members by providing an attractive benefit package that supports employee wellbeing.

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