5 tips to SMASH your job interview

5 tips to SMASH your job interview - JobsCaricom

We know that applying for a job can be stressful. You want to make sure you’re prepared for every part of the interview process so that you can focus on making a great impression on hiring managers and hopefully get the job!

We’ve put together this guide to help you prepare for your job interview.

5 tips to smash your interview

1. Research the company, its mission and culture, and its values. This way, you’ll be able to ask questions about these things during your interview and show that you’re interested in the position!

2. Make sure your resume is up-to-date—and make sure it reflects who you are now! If your resume looks like it was written 5 years ago, hiring managers might think that’s all there is to know about you. Update it with accomplishments from more recent jobs, or even volunteer work or side projects if they’re relevant.

3. Get ready for any questions about gaps in your work history by practicing answers in front of a mirror or with friends or family members who can give constructive feedback on what comes across as confidence versus arrogance (or anything else!).

4. Arrive at least five minutes early so that you have time to settle in before the interview begins. If possible, arrive even earlier than that so that you can greet the receptionist or ask any questions about where to park or whether there are any restaurants nearby (or anything else). This will make a good impression on whomever is meeting with you before the actual interview starts!

5. Dress professionally and conservatively—no flashy colors or wild patterns here! And if there’s anything out of place (like a piece of stray hair), fix it quickly so that you don’t look like an unkempt mess when meeting the interviewers.

You’ve got this.

So all the best with your current and future interviews. You’ve been given a great opportunity to be interviewed by the hiring company. Relax, remember why you want the job, and go SMASH that interview.

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